Saturday, May 28, 2005

Health screening

Today is the slackest day so far in my preceptorship training. Despite the health screening, not many people turned up (as expected) and we spent most of our time lounging around the booth, chatting with each other. It's quite good actually, because the post-pre-reg pharmacist has so much tips to share with us. And the best thing is, her views are still untainted. So I get to hear all the good and bad about certain things. I just love to listen to the more experienced pharmacist tell their stories. They serve to strengthen the interest I have in the profession.

There wasn't much "interesting" cases. Just a few outliers with slightly higher than normal BMI (body mass index), BP (blood pressure) and BG (blood glucose) readings. At least I learnt how to take down medical history (not a tough job, really) and observe how the post-pre-reg do the blood glucose testing. There really wasn't much fanciful or high difficulty level stuff. It's just a screening to raise awareness of the various services provided by the pharmacist.

I also joined in the screening (it was free) and found that I'm underweight and I have actually lost 2kg. Right now I am 43.9kg. *sob* And I'm still around 156 to 157cm. Shortie me.

I think that's all I have to write about today.

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