Anyways, this week has been great. Was really busy though, that is why there isn't much updates. On Monday evening, I got back from Banff/Jasper tour. On Tuesday evening, went to Chilli's to watch a hockey match with 4 other Canadians and CY. One of the guys tried to hit on me I think. -_-" Not bad for an Asian, who is completely new on a foreign angmoh land eh. Heh. Then on Wednesday evening, I was busy doing work and studying. Thursday evening, I finish work at 8pm and got back not wanting to do anything else besides sleeping. Then on Friday evening, Prof Cox drove us all to the nearby Elk Island National Park. Of course, someone actually thought it was supposed to be a zoo. I'm not sure whether I should LOL on this. But still. There's just so much of ignorance one can have.
Anyways, here is a picture of a buffalo we saw along the way in Elk Island. He was happily munching on the grass, then looked up with a whatcha-starin'-at look when we slowed the vehicle down and watched. Well, contrary to the name of the park, we did not see any elks at all! Grar.

So today we went out to explore the downtown of Edmonton. Nothing to shout about. Just buildings after buildings and we easily covered the whole area in like 45 minutes. Very small. And CHINATOWN was a great dissappointment. There is NOTHING resembling a typical Chinatown there and buildings were not even compact. It looks and feels exactly like a ghost town. What a pity.
Work at the pharmacy was great, now that I am more involved in the processes. It is really fantastic being able to be involved in the management of people's health. So far I have been doing counseling in stuff like antibiotics (amoxicillin, penicillin, cephalexin, tetracyclines, nitrofurantoin, metronidazole, macrolides and clindamycin) , NSAIDs (naproxen, diclofenac, ketoralac and ibuprofen), painkillers with narcotic ingredients (Tylenol #3), antihistamines, some sedatives (zopiclone and cyclobenzaprine), OTC products and non-oral dosage forms (MDI, diskhaler, eye and ear drops and topical creams (including corticosteroids)). So that is really a lot of stuff eh. I will be handling some diabetic patients next week, so I hope it will go well. There is not much time left for me...only 2 more weeks!! And there is still so much to learn!
So that is all for now. There is still work for me to do. I'm contemplating whether I should do it tomorrow morning when I wake up bright and early. :)
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